About Us

Located in Virginia, Fuller Consulting and Training serves companies nationwide. Our company would not be the success it is today without the hard work and expertise of our staff.

Dr. Nathaniel J. Fuller

Dr. Nathaniel J. Fuller is co-owner, president, chief executive officer (CEO), and a technical architect for Fuller Consulting and Training. He has worked with commercial, state, and federal government agencies on cyber-related challenges, as well as with students on research problems and projects. His approaches toward analyzing problems and providing solutions have been effective for many communities and organizations over his career.

Mrs. Karen Arabelli Fuller

Mrs. Karen Arabelli Fuller (maiden name Perez) is co-owner, vice president, and a business consultant for Fuller Consulting and Training. Mrs. Fuller has over 15 years of experience in business, public relations, and marketing. She has studied abroad in multiple countries and speaks fluent French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.